What's an acceptable size and format for uploading images and profile pictures?
Adding/Editing your Profile Picture When you add or edit your profile picture, for the best result, we recommend: You use a square image in the region of 400x400px to 600x600px JPEG You leave some padding between the top of your head and the top of ...
How do I speak to someone from the GlobalScot Team?
You can Contact Us by: Email: Submitting an enquiry form
I have forgotten my password. How do I reset it?
You can reset your password by clicking the ‘Forgot password?’ link on the sign in page. Once you’ve entered your email address, you’ll receive a link to reset your password.
How do I change my password?
Go to your Profile icon (top left corner of the page) and select Settings. Enter your Current Password, your New Password, confirm your New Password and select Submit. You will receive a pop-up message confirming this has been successful.
What happens to my data once I have closed my account?
All personal data (such as your name, company and location) is automatically cleared from the website. Any remaining data (such as community feed posts or chat messages) will be anonymised. The GlobalScot team will be able to view your account ...
How do I close my account?
To permanently close your account, please contact the GlobalScot team: Email: Submit an enquiry form
Can I reinstate my account after I have suspended it?
Yes. Just sign in as normal and confirm that you want to reactivate your account. All of your previous network activities will be restored once this is done, unless the activity has ended or been closed by GlobalScot team.
What happens to my data once I have suspended my account?
Your profile will no longer be visible on the list of members, but all your activity on the network (such as chats or community feed posts) will remain on the site. The GlobalScot team will close off any open activity with other members, such as ...
How do I suspend my account?
To temporarily suspend your account, please contact the GlobalScot team: Email: Submit an enquiry form
How do I update my email address?
This is not currently possible, but it will be soon. In the meantime, if you have any questions about changing your email address, please contact the GlobalScot team: • Email: • Submit an enquiry form
How do I contact a GlobalScot for help?
If you want to engage with a GlobalScot for help or advice, just navigate to their profile and select Request Help, complete the short help request form and submit. The GlobalScot can then respond to advise whether they are able to assist or not. If ...
Will I receive a notification if someone engages with me on GlobalScot?
All users of the network will receive a notification on the website for reasons including: A new chat message received. A new message received within an existing chat. A reply to a post you have published on the Community Feed. ...
How do I sign up as a business member to access advice and support from GlobalScots?
From the homepage, select ‘Join the Network’. Then, select ‘Join as a business member’ option in the left-hand box. Complete the short registration form. You will need your Companies House Number and details about your company (or companies), your ...
How do I join if I do not own or work for a Scottish registered company?
GlobalScot support is funded by the Scottish government and is focused on Scottish-based organisations. If you’re Scottish based but don’t have a Scottish Companies House number, you may still be able to register. You can fill in our manual ...
How do I join without a Companies House number?
If you wish to sign up as a business member on the platform but do not own or work for a business with a Companies House number, then please register here.
Who are GlobalScots?
GlobalScots are passionate individuals, entrepreneurs and business leaders, who are dedicated to supporting Scotland’s ambitions internationally. They are: Based anywhere in the world but have a connection to Scotland. Willing to ...
Is there any cost to be part of the GlobalScot network?
No, there is no cost associated with accessing GlobalScot services and all GlobalScots themselves operate on a voluntary basis.
Who can sign up to use the GlobalScot website?
Any individual associated with a business or organisation based in Scotland can sign up to engage with, and seek advice from, GlobalScots.